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Why are the colors in movie theaters usually red?

Friends who often go to the movies, have you noticed that the theater chairs in most movie theaters are red? Does it just feel like red is festive?


The biggest reason is that movie theaters want to ensure that audiences can adapt to the dark the fastest, and red is the color that makes people lose the ability to distinguish colors the fastest in the dark, so red theater chairs are usually used in low-light movie theaters.


theater chairs

In addition, the red color is designed to enhance the viewing experience. Our human eyes process the objects we see differently during the day and at night. When the lights are dark, the eyeballs are most sensitive to green, and red will disappear the fastest. Therefore, when the movie starts to play in the cinema, the lights are turned off, and then it can create the feeling that the cinema chairs cannot be seen for an instant, which is beneficial to the audience. Get involved quickly and reach the best state for watching movies.

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